Grace Cossington Smith Gallery 2014
reSATURATEryb, 2014, is an exhibition about the way colour changes the meaning of artwork. The artists are: Julia Davis, Lisa Jones, Stephen Little, Tom Loveday, Jonny Niesche, Nuha Saad, Nike Savvas and Mark Titmarsh. The artists’ works are exhibited in spaces saturated with Bauhausian primary colours, red, yellow and blue. The colours of the artworks are changed to reveal new aesthetic, historical, political and social meanings. Rather than a simply a technical aspect of art, colour is revealed as an active critical device in the production and reception of contemporary art.
My contribution to the exhibition consisted of two works, shown below. I also assisted with the installation, technical aspects of the exhibition and curatorial writing for the catalogue, which can be found at
Tom Loveday, Animated Edge 2, 2012, Video Installation, sample.
Sydney College of the Arts University of Sydney 2012
Saturate is an exhibition by five artists, Mark Titmarsh, Lisa Jones, Nuha Saad, Tom Loveday and Jacqueline Millner and curated by Nicholas Tsoutas with Tom Loveday.The exhibition is concerned with the effects of colour, its uses and abuses. Saturate is one of a group of research exhibitions under the title "Alchemy" at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney, Australia in July, 2012.
The work consists of two- and three-dimensional work, floor mounted and wall hung with videos, slide projections and lighting effects over the works. Tom Loveday made all projections, including videos, colour and slide projections and lighting effects. Jacqueline Millner and Tom made the video textwork.
Saturate, 2012 Walk through